Resume Building
An up-to-date and accurate resume is key to an effective job search. Whether you are writing your first resume or refreshing an outdated one, our staff can help you. We can offer tips and suggestions that will allow you to showcase your skills and abilities to employers. Our Resource Centres are open to the public and offer free access to computers and other technology to assist you in preparing your resume. Workshops are also available on a regular basis. Please view our Events Calendar for upcoming free resume-building workshops in your area.
Job Search
Searching for a job can be time consuming and overwhelming. We can help you navigate the labour market to find job opportunities that fit your skills and abilities. Our employment professionals can help you access job-related resources and job search tools to help you find job opportunities in your field. Our Job Search page has links to popular sites to help focus your job search efforts. Use our Job Search Activity Guide and Job Search Log to track and organize your job search progress.
Visit our Resource Centres which have updated job boards and are equipped with computers that are preloaded with job search sites and other job-related resources.
Our workshops offer you an interactive experience to learn how to create your resume or how to look for a job. Our facilitators are experienced employment professionals who will guide you through the information hands-on! Visit our Events Calendar for upcoming workshop dates. Contact us to register for one!
“I’ve just started a new position that I would never had applied for if it wasn’t for my chat with Michelle. After we met I decided I needed to expand my search outside of the fishery.
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement on the day we met. I was feeling very demoralized by the whole job search process. I was questioning my purpose, my credentials… basically everything. I left your office believing in myself and feeling energized to continue on with the job search.”
“I just wanted to let you know that I start my new job on Tuesday. Thanks for everything you did for me to help me get this far.”